Little Creek, VA
1954 1955
Photo with USS Nahant YN-102 at right
This was Vern's duty station after Boot Camp in Great Lakes, and a Train Ride to Norfolk, then a wait at Norfolk Receiving Station. This base was responsible for the Anti-Submarine Nets across the Chesapeake Bay and the bay's Mining.The nets across the bay must have still been in operation, the bridge was not there yet.All the boats shown are as they were in 1955. In 1955, Vern always worked in the galley. The other guys like Jim Brown and Jack Bauer, who came with him from boot camp, made big 18in. steel hoops, that were woven into each other to make anti-submarine nets that guarded the bay even through the cold war with Russia. See Vern at Barracks and Barracks location in photo below.
Below - 1968, while landing at Norfolk Airport Telephone Company Business
The Navy Base property line can be clearly seen. There are two new complexes added after 1955.
The Anti-Submarine Net Tending Boats are gone. The Ferrys are gone.
The Chesapeake Bay Bridge now exists

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